Урок- дискуссия в 8 классе c углубленным изучением английского языка. WISE LESSONS “The gift of the Magi” of a famous American writer O’Henry

Автор: Костякова Галина Ивановна

Организация: МБОУ с угл. изучением отд.предметов «Школа №70» г.о.Тольятти

Населенный пункт: Самарская область, г. Тольятти


Обучающая: сформировать навыки социально-психологической характеристики героев, раскрыть роль деталей в обрисовке образов персонажей; выяснить, как автор относится к своим героям

Развивающая: развивать внимание, память, мышление, умение анализировать, делать выводы.

Воспитательная: воспитывать бережное отношение друг к другу, умение любить, ценить радость и теплоту человеческого общения, искреннее участие, способность к самопожертвованию и верной, бескорыстной дружбе.


Литература: Книга на английском языке O. Henry " Gifts of the Magi»


I) Вводная часть урока. Приветствие.

II) Warming up.

I want to start our conversation today with some questions:

- Who do you think people make monuments to?

- Why do people get such an honor?

- And what, in your opinion, is it possible to install a monument to the book for?

-Which book would you make a monument to?


This honor was awarded to the work of the writer O. Henry. In the city of Greensboro in the United States, there is a stone book 2 meters high. This book is opened where the short story "Gifts of the Magi"by O. Henry is.

At home, you have read the novel "Gifts of the Magi" by O. Henry.

Did you like the story? What did you like?

Do you like to receive gifts yourself, and give them?

Have you ever sacrificed something to make a person feel good? Could you donate?

Did you like the characters?


III)The theme of our lesson is: "Wise lessons of O. Henry's Novella "Gifts of the Magi".

Working with associations, Let's turn to the title of the story "Gifts of the Magi".

Last lesson, you were given the task of choosing associations for the phrase "gifts of the Magi". Name them.

- What associations do you have with the word "gift"?


"A gift is a blessing to the giver."F. Herbert . What characteristic of the word "gift" can be taken from this statement?



IV) Now you will be engaged in searching literary work, that is, see how the writer expresses the main idea. You will be divided into 3 groups.

Task of the 1 group:

I. what is the role of the interior? Find a description of Jim and Della's apartment.

"Why is the description of Jim and Della's place so detailed?"

- How do you understand the expression "eloquently silent poverty"?

II. About the treasure.

- What treasures do the heroes have? Find their descriptions. Are they treasures?- How is their beauty emphasized?

III. - why, in despite of their poverty, do they want to give each other expensive gifts?

IV. Artistic features of the novel. See how the color changes in the story, how Della's mood changes.

Task of the 2 group:

Calculate the monetary income of a young family. How many times are monetary amounts, income, and expenses mentioned in the story? What amount is repeated more often than others?

Why is king Solomon and the Queen of Sheba mentioned? Who are they?

What gifts, in your opinion, are more valuable?

Determine the author's attitude to the characters at the beginning and at the end of the story. What does he call them? Why?

Task of the 3 group:

Why and how Della had been saving money. What is behind her desire?

What and why did the Magi give Jesus, what and why did Della and Jim give Each other on Christmas eve?

Can you call the ending of the story happy? (prove the answer with the text)

What did the characters really give each other?

How do you perceive their actions?

What did the characters hope for when they were choosing gifts for each other?

And what did the heroes get with such seemingly useless gifts for them?


Let's go back to the monument to the book again.

Why this particular book was given a monument?

What does this novel make you think about? What wise lessons have you learned today?


Let's conclude the lesson with the words of the writer himself: "You are waiting for treasures that will fall to you like manna from heaven in the form of gold dollars or crunchy credit cards, and yet each of you has huge treasures that you do not value much."

……, let's think about what we can give to our loved ones without having a penny of money. HOMETASK Essay on the topic: "I'll give you…»


V) Форма самооценки своей деятельности на уроке

My participation in the lesson….

My feelings and emotions during the lesson….

My difficulties….

Valuable thoughts for me from the lesson….





Опубликовано: 07.12.2020