Игра-викторина «The country across the ocean»

Автор: Солдатова Валентина Юрьевна

Организация: МОУ «СОШ №7»

Населенный пункт: Архангельская область, г. Новодвинск

Цель: обобщение изученного материал по теме « США»; развитие аудитивных, грамматических и лексических навыков; развитие интереса учащихся к изучению английского языка.

Оборудование: компьютер с колонками, карточки с заданиями.


Ход мероприятия:

- Good morning, boys and girls! Today you will have a competition. Our topic is «The country across the ocean». Let’s remember American history and geography, the largest cities and sights of the USA, it’s holidays.

В игре могут принять участие несколько команд учащихся 6-ых классов. Выполняя задания на разных станциях участники игры получают баллы за правильные ответы. Команда, набравшая наибольшее количество баллов, становится победителем.


Station 1. ”The discovery of America”

Task: Choose the necessary

  1. Christopher Columbus discovered America in the…century.

a). 13th b). 14th c). 15th

2. Columbus was born in … .

a). Spain b). America c). Italy

3. He lived in … for many years.

a). Europe b). Asia c). America

4. People in Spain were much interested in … in the 15th century.

a). Europe b). Asia c). America

5. In 1492 Columbus decided to go … to get to India.

a). west b). south c). east

6. The King and Queen of Spain gave Columbus … to make a voyage to India.

a). money b). ships c). seamen

7. It took Columbus and his men … weeks to get to the new land.

a). two b). three c). four

8. Columbus discovered … during his first voyage to the New World.

a). North America b). Central America c). South America

9. Columbus made … voyages to America before he died in 1506.

a). two b). three c). four


Station 2. ”Geography of the USA”

Task: Complete the sentences with the right variant

  1. The USA is a large country in … America. (North)
  2. The USA is washed by the … ocean in the east and by the … ocean in the west.

(Atlantic; Pacific)

  1. There are … states in the USA. (50)
  2. The smallest state is…. (Rhode Island)
  3. The biggest state is…. (Alaska)
  4. The highest mountains in the USA are … (the Rocky Mountains)
  5. The longest river in the USA is …. (the Mississippi)
  6. Washington, D.C. is the capital of the USA. The letters D.C. mean ….

(District Columbia)

  1. … is a city of skyscrapers. (New York)
  2. One of the most important cities in the north of the USA is …. (Chicago)


Station 3. “New York is one of the largest cities in the USA”

Task: Listen and complete the text (звучит аудиозапись, учащиеся в карточке заполняют пропуски)


New York is situated in the northeast of the country. Nuch of the city is on (1) … islands: Manhatten, Staten Island and Long Island. When people think about New York they usually think of Manhatten. This island is more than (2) … kilometres long and more than (3) … and a half kilometres wide.

New York is a city of skyscrapers. It has (4) … kilometres of streets and more than (5) … people live there. They speak as many as (6) … languages.

More than (7) … visitors arrive in New York every year. Lots of them say it is the most wonderful city in the world, the city that never sleeps.

1.3; 2. 21; 3. 3; 4. 10000; 5. 8 million; 6. 800; 7. 20 million


Station 4. “Sights of the USA”

Task: Answer the questions

  1. What is the famous symbol of the USA? (The Statue of Liberty)
  2. Who presented it to Americans? (French people)Why do
  3. Which avenue is famous for its shops? (Fifth Avenue)
  4. What is the largest museum in New York? (Metropolitan Museum)
  5. Why do New Yorkers like their Central Park? (It’s a pleasant place with some lakes and ponds, two skating rinks and a zoo)
  6. How many movable bridges are there across the river Chicago? (38)


Station 5. “American holidays”

Task: Listen and guess (Учитель зачитывает тексты – описание различных американских праздников. Учащиеся должны внимательно прослушать тексты и назвать праздник).


1. This if the biggest holyday of the year. Many people enjoy it most of all and say this is the main holyday of the year. The President gives his speech on TV.

Parents tell their children that Santa Claus will come to their house at night and leave presents for them. (Christmas Day)


2.Families and friends celebrate this day. Every town and every city has parades, games and sports with prizes. On that day 1776 the USA became independent from England. It was the beginning of a new life (Independence Day).


3.This is one of the most favourite holidays of the year. Children dress up, shout “Trick or treat”, get sweets, fruit, cakes and people have pumpkins with candles in their windows. (Halloween)


4. People celebrate this holiday in America in the same way they celebrate it in England. People make jokes on this day and have a lot of fun. People celebrate this holiday in spring. (April Fool’s Day)


5. One of the most important and popular holidays in the USA. It’s a public holiday that most people spend with their families. As the name of the holiday implies, it’s a special day when people give thanks. In the USA it is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November. (Thanksgiving Day)

Опубликовано: 15.02.2023