Конспект урока в 5 классе на тему «День благодарения»

Автор: Самсонова Анна Олеговна

Организация: ГОУ ЛНР ССШ № 10

Населенный пункт: ЛНР, г. Стаханов

Цели урока:

- научить использовать лексический материал по теме «Thanksgiving  Day»;

- развивать словарный запас, навык чтения, логическое мышление;

- воспитывать чувства доброты и желания доставить радость другим.

Оборудование:  карточки с фонетической разминкой, карточки «Соедини слова» (фонетическая разминка), словари, карточки «Соедини слова» (по тексту), карточки с текстом «День Благодарение», проектор, презентация, карточка «Клюквенный соус», карточка «Найди слова» (домашнее задание).

Тип урока: урок закрепление ЗУН.

Ход урока:

  1. Организация класса. Сообщение целей и задач работы на уроке

Т:  Good morning, dear children. Take your sits. Look at the blackboard. What is it?

   Т: You are going to learn a lot of traditions, history, symbols of  the American holiday – Thanksgiving Day.

II. Основная часть

  1. Фонетическая   зарядка

  T: Let’s do the phonetic drill.  Listen and repeat after me, please.

      [i] give, in, tradition, beginning, Pilgrims, Indians, build, big, Thanksgiving, dinner.

      [i:] beans, people, TV, season, three, eat.

      [i] - [i:]  dinner – people,  Thanksgiving  – three.

      [ǽ] thanks, national, cranberry, mashed, relax, family.

      [e] American,  together, bread, special.

      [e] - [ǽ]  American – family, together – national,  special – relax.

2. Работа с лексическими единицами

      Карточка «Соедини слова»

      T: Read and match the words:


Pumpkin – тыква

Cranberry – клюква

Sauce – соус

Jelly – желе

Herb – трава

Corn(maize) – кукуруза

Stuffed – фаршированный

Mashed potatoes – картофельное пюре

Sweet – сладкий

Creamed – сбитый в крем

Mincemeat – сладкий (с изюмом )

To cover – закрыть крышкой

To remove – убрать

To stir – размешивать

To chill – охладить

To serve – подавать


      T: Read and complete the gaps. (Работа около доски)









M_shed potat_es




To _ov_r

To _em_ve

To st_r

To _hil_

To _er_e



3. Словарная работа

T: Open your vocabularies and write down the words.

T:  Listen and repeat after me.

reunions |ˌriːˈjuːnɪənz| вечеринка

pilgrims |ˈpɪlɡrɪmz| богомолец

settlers |ˈsetləz| постоянный житель

massachusetts |ˌmasəˈtʃuːsɪts| Массачусетс, штат США

freedom |ˈfriːdəm| воля, свобода

harvest |ˈhɑːvɪst| жатва; уборка хлеба; сбор (плодов и т. п.)

United States |juˈnʌɪtɪd steɪts| США

typical |ˈtɪpɪk(ə)l| типичный, символический

4. Работа с лексическими единицами

Карточка «Соедини слова»

T: Read and match the words:

reunions – вечеринка

pilgrims – богомолец

settlers – постоянный житель

Massachusetts –  Массачусетс, штат США

freedom – воля, свобода

harvest – жатва; уборка хлеба; сбор (плодов и т. п.)

United States – США

typical – типичный, символический

T: Read and complete the gaps. (Работа около доски)






_ _eedom


_nited _tates

        _ _pical


5. Чтение текста «День благодарения»

T: Take a card. Read the text.

Thanksgiving is a happy holiday on the fourth Thursday of each November. Americans of all religions celebrate this holiday with big dinners and family reunions. It is a time to remember all the good things in life and to be thankful. Turkey is a traditional Thanksgiving Day Food.

This holiday was founded by the Pilgrims. They were a group of English settlers who came to Massachusetts in 1620. The Pilgrims came to America because they wanted religious freedom.

Their first winter was difficult, and many of the Pilgrims died. But the following year, the corn harvest was good. And there was celebration for three days. That was the first Thanksgiving.

Every Thanksgiving Macy's department store organizes a parade in New York City. In the parade there are balloons of popular cartoon characters, famous television stars, and bands from all over the United States.

Each year, more than 55 million people watch this parade on television. Many other large American cities also have Thanksgiving Day parades.

Watching college football games on television is also a typical Thanksgiving Day activity.


6. Викторина «Сейчас я знаю!»  (Презентация)

T: Choose the correct answer.  

1) Thanksgiving Day is

a) a British holiday

b) a Russian holiday

c) an American holiday


2) People celebrate Thanksgiving Day

a) in offices

b) in their houses

c) outdoors


3) When do Americans celebrate Thanksgiving Day?

a) on the fourth Thursday in November

b) on the fourth Tuesday in November

c) on the fourteenth of November


4)What is a symbol of Thanksgiving Day?

a) eggs

b) turkey

c) hamburgers


5) People decorate their houses with

a) the lights and balls

b) the toys and sweets

c) the fruit and flowers


6) What vegetables did Indians teach the Pilgrims to grow?

a) tomatoes and cucumbers

b) beans and potatoes

c) peas and carrots


7) What berry is the symbol of Thanksgiving Day?

a) strawberry

b) cherry

c) cranberry


8) When did the Pilgrims come to the new land?

a) in 1621

b) in 1620

c) in 1720


9) What was the name of the Pilgrims' ship?

a) Santa Maria

b) Mayflower

c) Victoria


10) Will people go on Thanksgiving parade, if it is raining?

a) Of course, they will.

b) No, they won't.

c) They will go on the parade on another day.

T: Let’s check your answers.

7.  Командная работа по карточкам

      T: Americans like the «Cranberry sauce». Arrange the sentences in a logical order.

1. wash the cranberries

2. put the cranberries and water in a saucepan

3. bring to a boil

4. cover the pan

5. cook for 6 to 8 minutes

6. remove the mixture from the heat

7. stir in the sugar and salt

8. mix thoroughly

9. chill

10. serve with turkey

Answers: (1, 2, 7, 8, 4, 3, 5, 6, 9, 10).

III. Итог урока

  1. Беседа

T: What do people do on Thanksgiving day?

T: When do people celebrate Thanksgiving day?

T: What do people usually say on Thanksgiving day?

  1. Домашнее задание

T: Open your diaries and write down the homework.


3. Выставление оценок

T: Our lesson is over. Thanks a lot for your work. Goodbye!  

Опубликовано: 20.11.2023