Разработка театральной постановки на английском языке «Мюзикл Peter Pan»: сценарий, музыкальное сопровождение

Автор: Келлер Елена Александровна

Организация: МБОУ ООШ № 26 им. А.И. Кошкина с. Индюк

Населенный пункт: Краснодарский край, Туапсинский район, с. Индюк

Действующие лица:

Питер Пэн

Фея Тинкер Белл

Венди, Джон, Майкл – сестра и братья

Потерянные мальчики

Слайтли – один из потерянных мальчиков



Звучит Интро 1


Сцена 1

Детская в доме Дарлингов. Дети спят. Большое окно в центре. Через него влетает фея Тинкер Белл.

Tinker Bell: Hi, everyone! I’m Tinker Bell, the fairy. This story starts when Peter flies into the room where the Darlings live. Sh-h-h! The kids are sleeping!

В окно пробирается Питер Пэн.

Питер Пэн осторожно крадется по комнате.

Peter: Tinker Bell! Where are you, Tink? Where is my shadow? Can you tell me?

Тинкер Белл показывает на комод.

Peter: Oh, here it is!

Берет тень, пытается приделать к себе. Не получается. Питер садится и начинает плакать.

Просыпается Венди.

Wendy: Boy, why are you crying?

Peter: I am not crying! But it’s because I can’t get my shadow back.

Wendy: Oh, it’s easy. Let me help you. I can sew it on.

Венди шьет.

Peter: What’s your name?

Wendy: Wendy Moira Angela Darling.

Peter: Mine’s Peter Pan.

Wendy: Is that all?

Peter: Yes.

Wendy: Where do you live?

Peter: (показывает куда-то в небо) Second star to the right and straight on till morning!

Wendy: What a funny address!

Peter: No, it isn’t.

Wendy: Peter, how old are you?

Peter: I don’t know, but I am quite young. Wendy, I ran away the day I was born.

Wendy: What!

Peter: (волнуясь) I don’t want ever to be a man. I want always to be a little boy and to have fun. So I ran away and lived a long time among the fairies.

Wendy: Peter, where do you live now?

Peter: With the lost Boys.

Wendy: Who are they?

Peter: They are the children who fall out of their prams. If they are not found within seven days, they are sent far away to Neverland. (гордо) I’m their captain.

Wendy: What fun it must be!

Peter: Yes, but we are rather lonely. We haven’t got a mother.

Wendy: Are none of the other children girls?

Peter: (хитро) oh, no; girls, you know, are much too clever to fall out of their prams.

Питер движется к окну.

Wendy: (озабоченно) Where are you going?

Peter: to the Neverland.

Wendy oh, don’t go, Peter!

  1. (резко оборачиваясь) Wendy, do you want to see Neverland?

Wendy: Oh, yes!

Peter: Then, come with me!

Wendy: oh dear, I can’t. Besides I can’t fly.

Peter: I’ll teach you!

Wendy: What!

Peter: I’ll teach you to fly.

Wendy: (хлопает в ладоши) oh Peter, I’m so excited! Would you teach John and Michael to fly too?

Peter: If you like.

Венди будит Джона.

Wendy: John! John! Wake up! Wake up! Peter Pan has come and he is going to teach us to fly!

John: (Все еще в полусне) What? (сонно) oh, good.

Wendy: John! John! Will you wake up!

Венди трясет Джона, тот падает с кровати

John: Peter Pan is here and he will teach us to fly.

Will he? (замечает Питера) Oh! to fly, you say? then I shall get up. (Замечает, что он уже не в кровати) hallo, I am up!

Венди трясет Майкла

Wendy: Michael, open your eyes.

Peter Pan is here!

Michael: (садится на кровати, трет глаза) Who?

Джон берет Майкла за руку.

John: come on, Michael.


ПЕСНЯ 2 You can fly!


Питер, Венди, Джон и Майкл улетают. Джон берет с собой шляпу, Майкл – плюшевого мишку.

Tinker Bell: And so, they came to Neverland! The lost boys were happy to meet them.


Сцена 2.

Декорации тропического острова: пальмы, лианы, кусты

Потерянные мальчики окружили Венди и Питера.

  1. Greetings, boys. I have brought at last a mother for you all.

Her name is Wendy!

Slightly: Оh, Wendy lady, be our mother.

Wendy: ought I? but you see I am only a little girl, I have no real experience.

Peter: that doesn’t matter.

Wendy: Very well. I will do my best.

Мальчики восторженно кричат.

The first thing that a mother does

Is keep a tidy home

And to make sure that all her boys

Know how to use a comb John

Мальчики переглядываются с изумлением.

John: Oh Wendy, they don’t understand

So please explain some more

For comb’s a word that I’m convinced

They’ve never heard before.

Wendy: The next thing Boys it’s plain to me

You don’t know how to dress

For each and everyone I see

Is quite simply a mess.

Грозит пальцем. Мальчики обеспокоены.

Boys We’re sorry that we look a mess

There’s one thing to make clear

With hand on heart we promise you

We changed our skins last year!

Wendy: And what’s more, you all need to go to school!

Boys: School? What’s that for?

Wendy: So that you can grow up smart and educated!

Peter: Oh, Wendy, I told you already, nobody have to grow up here! Nobody needs to go to school!

Wendy: But… How?

Peter: This is how! (обращается к мальчикам) Repeat after me!


ПЕСНЯ 3 I won’t grow up

Питер поёт сольную партию, а потерянные мальчики подпевают каждую строчку



Музыкальная интерлюдия


Tinker Bell: After many adventures, Wendy, John, Michael and the lost boys returned home, to mother and father!

Под музыку Венди, Джон и Майкл влетают в окно и ложатся в свои кровати.


Tinker Bell: Peter Pan stayed in Neverland, but sometimes he comes to see his friends – in their dreams!


Музыка становится громче, затем стихает.


Все актеры выходят для исполнения финальной песни







Список используемой литературы:

Peter Pan: A Reader for Spotlight 7 / Питер Пэн. 7 класс. Книга для чтения / В. Эванс, Дж Дули, О. Е. Подоляко, Ю. Е. Ваулина. — 8-е изд. — Москва : Просвещение, Express Publishing, 2008. — 64 c. — Текст : непосредственный.


















Интро 1



There is an island
just past your dreams,

Some-where where stories
all can come true.

Choose to believe and you’ll
learn of a boy who can fly

(who can fly, who can fly, who can fly)

Wendy’s a dreamer, loves to tell tales.
She has two brothers, Michael and John.
Here is the nursery they’re
watched by their nanny…a dog.


Wendy tells stories of Peter pan,

Pirates and mermaids, Lost boys and more,

Hundreds of fables, make believe journeys,

Endless adventures, all filled with magic,

In Neverland!





ПЕСНЯ 2 You can fly!




But, Peter, how do we get to Never Land?
Fly, of course!
It's easy! All you have to do is

You think of a wonderful thought!
Any happy little thought?
Like toys at Christmas? Sleigh bells? Snow?
Yep! Watch me now here I go!
It's easier than pie!

He can fly! He can fly! He flew!
Now, you try

I'll think of a mermaid lagoon
Oh underneath a magic moon

I'll think I'm in a pirate's cave
I'll think I'll be an Indian brave

Now, everybody try one, two, three!
We can fly! We can fly! We can fly!


This won't do what's the matter with you?
All it takes is faith and trust oh!
And something I forgot Dust!
Dust? Dust?
Yep! Just a little bit of pixie dust


Now, think of the happiest things
It's the same as having wings
Let's all try it, just once more
Look! We're rising off the floor
Jiminy! Oh my! We can fly!
You can fly! We can fly!

Come on, everybody, here we go!
Off to Never Land!








ПЕСНЯ 3 I won’t grow up





I won’t grow up

(I won’t grow up)

I don’t want to go to school

(I don’t want to go to school)

Just to learn to be a parrot

(Just to learn to be a parrot)

And recite a silly rule

(And recite a silly rule)

If growing up means

It would be beneath

My dignity to climb a tree

I’ll never grow up

Never grow up

Never grow up –

Not me!

Not I!

Not me!

Not me!


I won’t grow up

(I won’t grow up)

I don’t want to wear a tie

(I don’t want to wear a tie)

And a serious expression

(And a serious expression)

In the middle of July

(In the middle of July)

And if it means I must prepare

To shoulder burdens

With a worried air –

I’ll never grow up

Never grow up

Never grow up –

Not me!

Not I!

Not me!

So there!


Never gonna be a man –

I won’t!

Like to see somebody try

And make me

Anyone who wants to try

And make me turn into a man

Catch me if you can

(I won’t grow up!)

I will never even try

(I will never even try)

I will do what Peter tells me

(I will do what Peter tells me)

And I’ll never ask him why

(And I’ll never ask him why)

We won’t grow up!

(We won’t grow up!)

We will never grow a day

(We will never grow a day)

And if someone tries to make it

(And if someone tries to make it)

We will simply run away

(We will simply run away)

I won’t grow up!

(I won’t grow up!)

No I promise that I won’t

(No I promise that I won’t)

I will stay a boy forever

(I will stay a boy forever)

And be banished if I don’t

(And be banished if I don’t)

And Neverland will always be

The home of beauty, joy

And liberty

I’ll never grow up

Never grow up

Never grow up –

Not me!

Not me!


Not me!

No sir!

Not me!






ФИНАЛЬНАЯ ПЕСНЯ 4 Fly to your heart



Watch all the flowers

Dance with the wind.

Listen to snowflakes,

Whisper your name.

Feel all the wonder

Lifting your dreams

You can fly.



Fly to who you are,

Climb upon your star,

You believe

You’ll find your wings


to your heart.


Touch every rainbow

Painting the sky

Look at the magic

Gliding through your life,

A sprinkle of pixie dust

Circles the night

You can fly


Chorus: +

Everywhere you go,

Your soul will find a home

You’ll be free to spread your wings


You can fly

To your heart


Rise to the heights

Of all you can be,

Soar on the hope

Of marvelous things






Опубликовано: 02.12.2021