Конспект открытого урока английского языка в 9 классе «Why do we learn English»

Автор: Солдатова Валентина Юрьевна

Организация: МОУ «СОШ №7»

Населенный пункт: Архангельская область, г. Новодвинск

Цель: содействовать формированию УУД:

  • Личностных: способствовать полноценному восприятию изучаемого материала, умению выражать свои мысли, выработке позитивной самооценки, положительное отношение к занятиям.
  • Регулятивных: учить оценивать правильность своих действий, вносить необходимые коррективы, принимать позиции слушателя в соответствии с поставленной задачей.
  • Познавательных: развивать способность к познанию, работать с информацией, формировать исследовательские умения.
  • Коммуникативных: использовать речевые средства, понимать содержание вопросов и высказываний учителя и учеников, проявлять интерес к излагаемой информации, учить работать в группах.


  • Общеобразовательные: формирование лингвистической компетенции – знакомство с культурой изучаемого языка;
  • Воспитательные: формирование уважения к другим народам, их традициям;
  • Развивающие: развитие мышления, языковой догадки, логики.

Оснащение урока:




Ход урока:


Teacher: Dear friends and dear guests! We are very glad to see you here today! Let’s begin our lesson!

We have a lot of English words written on the cards. Pupils, your first task is to read and translate these words:

quickly enjoyable recommend official

favourite national foreign Chinese world

general global at least question pronounce

learn language responsibility create

intelligent international opportunities

improve subject fashionable reason

truthful hour countries wonderful understand

Teacher: You have read the words horizontally. And now find one very important word written vertically.

Pupils: This word is English.

Teacher: That’s right. Look at the blackboard and continue this phrase, please: We are going to speak about …

Pupil 1: the importance of the English language.

Pupil 2: the history of the English language.

Pupil 3: similarities of English with other languages.

Pupil 4: the reasons why we should learn English.

Pupil 5: professions where English is necessary.

Teacher: Right you are. Today we are going to speak about the importance of the English language and why we should study this magic language. And now attention, please!

(просмотр видео)

- Do you understand what problem is raised in this video?

- I should say that English is really very useful in all areas of our life. But it is not easy to learn it. Do you agree with me?

- And besides, you need much time and effort to know English well. Is it so necessary for you to learn a foreign language? Let’s discuss this important question. Please, give some reasons why you are learning English.

Pupil 1: As for me, I learn English because I understand that I can use it. For example, if I go to England I’ll be able to speak English there. If I go to the USA I’ll speak English too. This language is used not only in England but also in other parts of the world.

Pupil 2: I would like to add that I learn English because I want to read foreign literature in the original. I know and like such English and American writers as Charles Dickens, Mark Twain, Lewis Carroll and others. I understand that I must learn English. If I know English well, I’ll be able to go to the library and take books by English and American writers in the original or I can find them in the Internet.

Pupil 3: From my point of view, I like to travel but it is difficult to visit other countries when you don’t know the language spoken there. If I know the language of the country I am going to, it will be easy to travel there. If I want to ask something I can do it in English.

Pupil 4: I like to read books and I like to read newspapers too. If I know English, I’ll be able to read English newspapers and magazines.

Pupil 5: I think that knowledge of foreign languages helps young people of different countries to understand each other, to develop friendship among them. For example, you can have a pen-friend and learn some interesting facts from his or her letters.

Pupil 6: By the way, you can see a lot of advertisements, signboards and names in the streets. They are in foreign languages. Very often they are in English. If you know English well, you can read and understand them.

Pupil 7: There are a lot of films in English. You can understand them without any help if you have a good knowledge of English.

Pupil 8: I know that there are international friendship camps in the world. If you can speak foreign languages, it will be easy for you to visit such camps and speak with boys and girls who do not know Russian.

Pupil 9: A very important reason is getting a good education. If you know a foreign language, you can get a good education. You can enter any University in your country or even study abroad by an exchange program.

Pupil 10: English is a widely spoken language. It is used by diplomats and politicians, by world radio stations, by business people, by pilots and air traffic controllers, by scientists, doctors and students.

Pupil 11: I would like to say that nowadays we buy many clothes made in other countries. If you know English well, you can read something about the size of this or that thing. It will be clear for you what it is made of.

Teacher: We agree with your ideas, friends. They seem to be very interesting. And now we can combine all your statements into four blocks: travelling, career, entertainment, knowledge.

Let’s discuss each block separately:

  1. The first block is Career. You have a list of professions related to knowledge of the English language. Your task is to match the profession with its explanation. (work in groups)




1. IT-specialist

has an opportunity to visit many cities around the world and it is an advantage of this profession. English is important for him because he communicates with workers of foreign airports in English.



2. Interpriter

meets new people and can tell you many interesting facts about space, animals, different countries. He has to know History, Literature. Russian and foreign languages.



3. Diplomat

connects his profession with English and has a great heart and patience; helps children to choose their life position and supports them.

4. Journalist

defends and represents his country in the international arena.



5. English teacher

translates literary works in order not to lose much of their beauty. He reads books in the original and knows the languages they are written in.


6. Pilot

works for a big company that develops software.


  1. The second block is Travelling. Let’s visit London. Listen to English-speaking people and choose the correct answer. (textbook “Forward”, 9; Ex.2, p.105)

Listen and choose the correct answer:

  1. What is the cheapest way to travel around London?
  1. by tube b) by bus c) on a coach tour


  1. Which museum is a good starting point for visitors to London?
  1. The Science Museum b) The Museum of London c) Madame Tussaud’s


  1. What’s a good place to eat cheaply in London?
  1. a sandwich bar b) a Steak House restaurant c) a market


  1. When is a good time to listen to classical music for free?
  1. At the weekends b) on Thursdays c) at lunchtimes


  1. The third block is Entertainment.

Teacher: Dear friends, you are pupils of the 9-th form now and some of you are going to take exam in English. We have a guest today. Meet electronic assistant!

(входит electronic assistant)


Electronic assistant: Hello! It’s the electronic assistant of the English Club. Please answer five questions.

1.Do you often watch films?

- Yes, I do. I oten watch films because there is a cinema right next to my house. I also watch films on my computer at home.

2. What kind of films do you like? Why?

- I really like comedies. There are so many films that can make you sad or cry, but few that can make you laugh. These films raise my spirits and put me in a good mood.

3. Do you prefer a play in the theatre or a film at the cinema? Why?

- I prefer to see films instead of plays. In films you can see other planets, other countries and amazing special effects. You can’t always see those things in plays.

4. What music genres do you like?

- To be honest, I like listening to different genres of music, but my favourite are jazz and classical music.

5. Does the music you listen to depend on your mood or not? Why?

- The music I listen to often depends on my mood. For example, when I am sad, I like to listen to classical music. Then when I am happy, I prefer to listen to pop or rock music.


Electronic assistant: This is the end of the survey. Thank you very much for your cooperation.


4) The next block is education. We shall tell you some interesting facts about the English language.

Teacher: Do you know that…

  • 10% of the world’s population speak English as their mother tongue; 21% of the population speak Chinese and 6% of the population speak Russian;
  • English has the largest vocabulary of about 800 000 words; however English speakers use only 1% of the language;
  • 70% of the words are borrowed;
  • No language has more synonyms than English;
  • In English the names of all the continents begin and end with the same letter, for example Asia, Europe, Africa, America, Australia, Antarctica.

And now work in groups. Your task is to find a false statement and correct it.

(First group)

  1. The English language hasn’t similarities with both French and German as its first forms were originally brought to Britain by German settlers.
  2. Latin and Greek words have been added to the English language after the birth and spread of Cristianity.
  3. English is the main language used on the Internet. It's also the language that 75% of the world's mail and cables are made with

(Second group)

  1. One of six people in the world speak English. 750 million of them do not come from an English speaking country!
  2. In more than 100 countries, including China, Russia, Germany and Egypt, English is the main foreign language taught in schools.
  3. All scientific and technical journals in the world are published in English.

Teacher: And now let’s check up your answers. Read, translate and correct false statements.


Teacher: In conclusion, let’s answer the question: Why do we learn English?, using the sentences written on the blackboard and complete them:

  • English is the main language used on the … (Internet).
  • Many of the world’s most popular … (films, books, songs) are in English.
  • To know English well you should … (learn new words, read books in English, watch films in English, learn grammar rules, speak English with your friends).
  • English is useful because… (it’s a global language and you can communicate with other people in the world using English);

(it is the language used in many professions).


Teacher 1: Thank you for your answers. We see that all of you understand the importance of learning and knowing English. I hope that you will get more motivation to continue learning languages after today’s discussion.

Teacher 2: Thank you all. It was really easy, interesting and pleasant to talk to you! We wish you success in passing your exam!

Опубликовано: 11.02.2022