Музыка в моей жизни

Автор: Попова Галина Владимировна

Организация: МБОУ «Фоминская СОШ»

Населенный пункт: Архангельская область, Вилегодский район, п.Фоминский

Тип урока: урок совершенствования знаний, умений и навыков, целевого применения усвоенного материала.


Цель: систематизировать и обобщить знания учащихся по теме «Музыка».


- совершенствование лексико-грамматических навыков говорения и умения вести диалогическую и монологическую речь по заданной тематике;

- совершенствование представления о некоторых музыкальных стилях;

- развитие навыков сотрудничества через работу в группах;

- воспитание у учащихся уважительного и толерантного отношения к мнению собеседника, расширение общего кругозора учащихся;

- усиление интереса к урокам английского языка и музыки в целом.


Формируемые УУД:

– формирование познавательных мотивов обучающихся;
- положительное отношение к учению, к познавательной деятельности;

- повышение интереса к изучению английского языка.
– целеполагание;
– владение навыками самоконтроля и взаимоконтроля деятельности.
– продуктивное взаимодействие обучающихся в решении поставленной задачи;
– умение принять участие в диалоге, беседе, вступать в коммуникацию со сверстниками, с учителем.
– применение навыков работы с различными видами деятельности на уроке: аудирование, чтение, говорение;

- умение анализировать по теме.


Оборудование: компьютер, проектор, постеры различных певцов и музыкальных групп, карточки, текст песни “Yesterday”.

Ход урока:

  1. Целеполагание. Hello, children. I am glad to see you. Today we are having an unusual lesson because the students have prepared some projects and we are going to listen to them. And what are they about? But first of all I want you to guess one word. Look at the blackboard. You can see a list of words. There is one missing letter in each word. Please write down each missing letter.


(учащиеся по очереди вписывают пропущенные буквы и называют получившееся слово)

So, you see the word MUSIC, and our topic is “Music in my life”. Today we shall speak about different styles in music. On the blackboard you can see a charming quotation:

(учитель открывает заранее закрытое слово “Music”) Учащиеся читают и понимают цитаты о музыке.

«Music is a free art, an open-air art, an art boundless as the wind, the sky, the sea».


“Music is the universal language of the world”
H. Longfellow



2. «Интервью».

Т: There are different kinds of music, but tastes differ, you know. I asked one of you to be our class correspondent and prepare the interview to learn your musical preferences. (Один из учащихся выступает в роли корреспондента):

  • What role does music play in your life?

- What does music reflect?

- Where can we hear music?

- What do you think about when you listen to music?

3. And I fully agree with you. When I listen to music I can think about nothing but music. As far as you know music may be different. I see you like music and now it is high time to listen to your projects. Be very attentive because you will have a small test.

(каждая группа представляет свои музыкальные проекты, используя презентацию.)

1 группа

Let me introduce our group. We are fond of jazz. Jazz is a special kind of music that had proved very popular among different people, especially in the United States. Originally, this musical direction was the genre, preferred and performed by black people in the USA, but later it had incorporated various musical styles that have evolved in many places. Regardless of time periods, the most important feature of jazz is rhythm. These tunes combine elements of both African and European music, and European one give some harmony to jazz. The second fundamental element of the direction is improvisation, as the musicians usually don’t play pre-canned tunes, but come up with new ones under the inspiration. So the music comes in the moment when a musician creates it right in front of the audience. The names of famous masters known to all: Louis Armstrong, Duke Ellington, Those Goodman, Glen Miller.

Swing is one of the most interesting and popular styles of jazz. The Blues made a huge contribution to the development of this genre. Today New Orleans city is considered to be the birthplace of it. New Orleans jazz (Dixieland) combines Blues, Church songs and European folk music. This music had a great influence on symphonic and Opera ones.

(звучит фрагмент)

2 группа

We want to tell you about classical music. I love classical music. Maybe, it’s because of nine years inside the musical school; but I’ve found this music the closest to my soul. Most people of my age would think I’m mad, because I love Strauss, Mozart and Bach in place of psychedelic rock and angry, loud punk bands. I found classical music relaxing. As many psychologists say: Bach helps to cope with nervousness; Vivaldy is excellent to make people feel calm and satisfied. When I listen to the light classical music as to “Seasons” by Tchaikovsky, I enjoy this wonderful music. It helps me feel much better. Of course, it’s difficult to find the way into serious classical music. I think, we must be taught not only to listen but to understand, which is more important. I like to play classical music. This music makes me feel like dreaming. And now I want you to listen to a peace of classical music.

(звучит фрагмент)

3 группа

We are going to tell you about rock. It is my music! Rock is the kind of music many young people listen to. In rock songs you can notice many important problems that thrill youth.

Rock music, sometimes also known as “rock and roll,” is a style of music that became popular in the 1950s in America and Europe. It is primarily based on older musical styles, such as the rhythm and blues music originated by African American performers such as Chuck Berry and Little Richard, with a heavy focus on guitar, drums, and powerful vocals.

One of the earliest and most famous performers in the early days of rock was Elvis Presley, who shocked the world with his suggestive dancing and powerful music. He became an instant phenomenon, and led the way for many other performers over the decades to come.

As for me I prefer rock all the year round, because it can express all kinds of my mood. I can find a firm support in rock. Within this music I feel strength and stability. Rock music, or, rather rock-n-roll, appeared in the 1950-s. The first rock music is connected with the names of Elvis Presly, Chuck Berry, The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Eric Clapton, The Doors and some others.

(звучит фрагмент)

4 группа

We are going to tell you about folk music.

This music lives on for centuries. Every nation has its own national music and dance ensembles and choirs. The British are very fond of their folk music. They held special Folk Festivals, where the young can learn about their national culture and folk music. It is a pity we don’t know much about Russian folk music.

But I know that there are some groups now. The members of these groups sing Russian folk songs. They restore old folk songs. I like to listen to these songs because it is interesting to learn about the past. We know Nadezhda Babkina and Nadezhda Kadysheva. In Russian culture there is also a special form called “chastushka”. Russian people like them. Now I want you to listen to a peace of folk music.

(звучит фрагмент народной мелодии )

5 группа

I love pop music. Pop music – is a genre of popular music. First time the term pop music in English has sounded in 1926. The roots of pop music go deep into the history.
The basic unit in pop music is a different song or single. The average song length is from 2 to 4 minutes.

Since the early fifties pop music has been the enthusiasm and the entertainment of the young

The popular group was Abba in XX centure. It was formed in 1973 in Sweden. Abba’s cheerful tunes made them international pop stars and one of the most successful groups of the seventies. Their most famous songs (“Waterloo”, “Money, Money, Money”, “Knowing Me, Knowing You”, etc.) often topped European charts. Though the group doesn’t exist any more, it is still popular with people of all ages.

Pop music is breathtaking and full of energy. When people listen to pop music it makes they remember happy times and forget the problems of everyday life. It helps them to relax when they are tired. Texts of pop songs devoted to personal experiences, emotions: love, sadness, joy. Pop music unites the teenagers all over the world and makes us feel a part of global family. We can hear this music every day and everywhere. I think music is really, first of all, the background of our life, it helps us to live, and it makes our mood. Now let’s listen to my favourite singer Dima Bilan.

(звучит фрагмент песни “Never let you go”)

4. Thank you very much for your interesting information. As you know music may be different. Listen to some brief information and try to guess what type of music it is.

Music (учащиеся слушают и заполняют таблицу)

















T. 1. Some people say it is difficult to understand this music. But try to listen to it. It is played by big orchestras. If you listen to this music often enough and attentively, you will enjoy Mozart and Beethoven, Tchaikovsky and Shostakovich.

2. One can hear this music at theatres, on TV and over the radio. This music was composed by such great composers as Mozart, Verdi, Tchaikovsky, Prokofiev, Schostakovich. Performers usually sing or dance to this music.

3. This music is popular mostly with young people. It is performed by modern electronic instruments. There are hard and heavy-metal styles.

4. This music lives for centuries. Every nation has its own national music and dance ensembles.

5. It is a musical style where the singer speaks or shouts the words.

6. It is an American style of music. It was created by black Americans. The constant elements are improvisation.

7. You can hear this music every day and everywhere. There are a lot of musical groups who perform this kind of music.

5. Well, students, I promised to tell you about the Beatles. I`ve prepared the presentation about them. Listen and answer my questions!

The Beatles group is a group that is included in the world's TOP rock ensembles. The British band has made a huge contribution to the development of rock music and rock culture. The band created the effect of an atomic bomb, which spread its music around the world in the 60s. John Lennon, Paul McCartney and George Harrison, as well as Ringo Starr were members of this group. The musicians changed their name more than once and were not particularly popular.

In the summer of ’60, the Beatles performed for the first time outside of Britain. In the spring of ’61, a concert took place in Hamburg and there was also the first recording at a professional level. In the same years, the group changed its image, thanks to the work of Astrid Kircherr, who would later become one of the most famous designers. The guys came out with new hairstyles and new suits, without collars and lapels. In 1962, a new musician Richard Starkey (aka Starr) took the place of the drummer. In the spring of 1963, the band released the first album «Please, Please Me». This album broke many records of national charts and was on the first lines for 6 months. And in November of the same year, the next album was released with the title «With the Beatles». The second album became the best-selling in the world, a record number of applications for the purchase of the album were submitted. In 1964, the band was invited to the cinema, and in the summer Richard Lester's film «A Hard Day's Night» was released. After the film, the band's album was released. Along with the film, the album impressed fans as well as the press. In 1965, the group took part in the filming of the second film called «Help», directed by the same director. The premiere was in London and the album of the same name was released in August. The album included, perhaps, the most famous Beatles song – yesterday. The last album was released in 1970 and in the same year the band broke up. On December 8, 1980, a huge tragedy happened, John Lennon was killed in New York. For the next 15 years, the remaining band members connected for performances and studio recordings. In the fall of 2001, George Harrison died of cancer. Ringo Starr and Paul McCartney continue to perform. In 2003, Paul McCartney performed in Russia in Moscow. The last blotting out of the remaining «two» was in 2002. The concert was dedicated to the memory of George Harrison.

In 2012, the organization for the protection of cultural monuments decided to add the houses of the group members (the houses in which childhood was spent) to the number of cultural monuments. UNESCO has since 2001 established January 16 as the Beatles Day, which is celebrated all over the world. This group has made a huge contribution to the development of music in the world, the Beatles do not forget and remember them in our time.


And now I want you to look at the blackboard. There are some words there. Repeat them just after me.


All these words are from the song “Yesterday”. Let us listen and sing this song.


John Lennon and Paul McCartney

All my troubles seemed so far away,
Now it looks as though they’re here to stay,
Oh, I believe in yesterday.

I’m not half the man I used to be,
There’s a shadow hanging over me,
Oh, yesterday came suddenly.

Why she had to go I don’t know, she wouldn’t say,
I said something wrong, now I long for yesterday.

Love was such an easy game to play,
Now I need a place to hide away,
Oh, I believe in yesterday.

Why she had to go I don’t know, she wouldn’t say,
I said something wrong, now I long for yesterday.

Love was such an easy game to play,
Now I need a place to hide away,
Oh, I believe in yesterday.


6. Рефлексия. I want to say that songs can be an effective tool in language teaching and learning. Songs are a powerful medium for acquiring new knowledge. Once Milli Yrenough said: “Learn English through songs”.

What emotions do you feel after the lesson? Positive or negative emotions?


irritation happiness boredom joy sadness success unsatisfaction admiration




Please, express your opinion in your cinquain poetry. You know its structure.

Cinquain poetry:

1word (a subject or a noun)

2 words (adjectives) that describe word 1

3 words (action verbs) that relate to word 1

4 words (feelings or a complete sentence) that relates to word 1

1 word (a synonym of line 1 or a word that sums it up)

Work in pairs and then present them, please.




T. So my dear friends, today you have had a good opportunity to express your attitude to music. You were creative at the lesson. I liked your music projects and I am going to put you good and excellent marks. And your task for the next lesson is to do literary translation of a song “Yesterday”


Опубликовано: 13.10.2023